Google Sketchup 8 For Mac
Currently Google SketchUp for Mac has Ruby version 1.8.5 which I find a bit outdated. I can update Ruby to 1.8.7 (OSX's version) by the following commands $ cd /Applications/Google SketchUp 7/ $ ls Headers/ Resources/ Ruby $ ls Headers/ config.h defines.h intern.h missing.h ruby.h $ rm -r Headers $ ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Headers $ ln -fs /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Ruby SketchUp starts without problem and Ruby console shows version 1.8.7. 1.9.2 Now I try to go further and update to 1.9.2-rc2.
Mac sierra unable to drag program to trash for uninstalled. It means you should be careful when you try to uninstall an application that depends on tweaks, patches or other kinds of components. To manually remove these app leftovers, residual and caches files may take years and it’s hard to ensure you can have a. In addition, most of these patches are only applied to older versions of apps.
SketchUp Pro 2018 for Mac is a very handy 3D modeling application for the professional users that comprises a very impressive and rich featured editor and layout designer for creating the presentations. Sketchup Torrent Professional bucks the trend of expensive 3D modeling applications like 3DSMax and Cinema4D and gifts a totally free, simple to use alternative by that you can also post your creations on Google Earth for the entire world to see.
I addition to updating Ruby on your entire machine which can be especially painful and potentially destructive, another alternative would be to use RVM to manage specific versions of ruby. This is especially good because updating ruby for your entire machine might cause any other application which relies on a specific version to break. You should be able to easily make sketch up use RVM to fetch your specific ruby version thru a setting or directly if launched from the command line. RVM There's also a detailing how to install and manage RVM.