Docker For Mac Won't Start After Sign Out
After you have tried using the SQL Server container image for Docker, you might want to know how Docker is used to improve development and testing. The following video shows how Docker can be used in a continuous integration and deployment scenario. Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your Mac or Windows environment that enables you to start coding and containerizing in minutes. Docker Desktop includes everything you need to build, test and ship containerized applications right from your machine.
Ok so I've installed it and restarted my Mac. I ran docker-machine start dinghy. I went to my project and ran docker-compose up -d. It starts up correctly but going to does not work (nothing is listening on port 80 anymore).
Am I missing something? Edit: Ok I know this isn't Stack Overflow but I'd like to troubleshoot here. Instead of user docker-machine to start the dinghy VM, I used dinghy up.
I ran dinghy ip to get it's IP. Went to that IP and got this:. I feel like I'm one step away from getting this to work but I don't know what it is. Chrome. Unfortunately my use case is a big Symfony app, which has A LOT of I/O from the disk.
VMWare Fusion with NFS was really slow too. Dinghy will be my last attempt, but I fear I will get the same slow results. Last resort will be putting the project inside a Virtualbox VM and sync to the outside, in the opposite direction. The perfect solution would have been docker-sync with multiple one-way syncs, but I would have needed the option to choose the direction of the sync: code from host to VM, vendor cache and logs on the opposite direction. Let me guess your running on a mechanical drive? The below script is what I use on my office iMac which has a mechanical drive and terrible read/write performance, where as my home hackintosh is on SSDs and i've never had a problem with it.

❯ cat.docker-patch.sh #!/bin/bash # Tune fsync perf for docker mac per # # NB: You must be on Docker 1.12.2-rc1-beta27 or greater cd ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/database/ f='com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/disk/full-sync-on-flush' git reset --hard cat $f echo 'false' > $f git add $f && git commit -s -m 'Disable flushing' echo 'You should now restart Docker for Mac.' Hopefully this helps you!
Ensure It Has Power Ensure your Mac is plugged into a power source. Try swapping out the charger or power cable, or using a different power outlet. The charger itself may be damaged.
If you’re using a MacBook and its battery is completely dead, you may need to wait a few moments after plugging it in it in before turning it on. It won’t necessarily boot immediately the moment after you plug it in. Check the Hardware Assuming you’re using a Mac desktop, check that all its cables are correctly seated. For example, if it’s a Mac Mini, ensure the video-out cable is connected securely to both the Mac Mini itself and the display. Try reseating all the cables — unplug them and then plug them back in — to ensure they’re securely connected. If you’ve recently opened up your Mac and fiddled with its hardware, that could have caused the problem. For example, if you installed RAM or swapped out a hard drive, you may want to try swapping back in the old hardware or just ensuring those components are securely seated in your Mac.